CES Training helps Army Civilians develop into agile, multi-skilled leaders of complex organizations who embody the Warrior Ethos. The Basic Course emphasizes transformational leadership and leading change.
The Career Education & Self Development (CES) Program is mandatory for General Service Supervisors and encouraged for non-supervisor employees who seek leadership or supervisory roles. Local commands are responsible for implementing Army leader development policy, with any prerequisite courses reflected on position announcements as applicable.
Foundation Course
The Foundation Course is one of four CES leader development courses and is provided to Army Civilians below GS-15. It serves to introduce them to basic leadership concepts as well as gain an overview of Army functions and functions of military branches. It aims to create a strong basis for future leader development efforts while helping new employees understand their place within the mission and how it contributes to success.
This course utilizes both distance learning (DL) modules and resident training for maximum effectiveness. DL instruction takes place at distributed learning facilities like ARNG DL classrooms or Classroom XXI high-tech classrooms as well as student’s homes or offices; resident training takes place over an intensive week-long session.
After successfully completing the Foundation Course, an employee may progress to Basic and Intermediate CES courses, with each one tailored specifically towards a different career level (such as Advanced CES for GS-13 to GS-15s).
CES is a mandatory training program for most Army Civilians. Exceptions may include local national and foreign national employees; term and temporary employees; non-Department of the Army employees (such as those paid through sources other than working capital fund); non-DoD of A employees paid through other than working capital fund; non-DA employees with salaries paid from sources other than working capital fund etc. To enable civilians enroll in and complete this training program successfully. The Department of the Army has policies and procedures in place that enable civilians to enroll and complete it successfully.
Soldiers and civilians who have already completed a CES course may qualify for credit via either an equivalency or constructive credit process. The Army Management Staff College reviews submitted documentation of leader development education, supervisor experience and at least five years overseeing Civilian workforce to determine eligibility for credit toward future courses.
Basic Course
The Civilian Education Support program (CES) aims to broaden civilian leader training bases and foster self-development among Army civilians. Each level of CES courses (Foundation, Basic and Intermediate) targets specific audiences – for instance the Advanced Course is tailored towards GS-13 to GS-15 civilians.
The Foundation Course is required of all interns and Army Civilians (GS-01 – GS-12) hired after September 30, 2006. Additionally, it serves as a prerequisite for resident phase of any CES Leader course.
This virtual four-week course aims to give employees a thorough knowledge of the structure and leadership doctrine of the Army; increase self-awareness and professional behavior; and learn how to utilize their unique skills to become “pentathletes.” The Army seeks for all civilians to attain pentathlete status by attaining prescribed leader attributes while embodying Soldier’s Creed values on a daily basis.
Army distributed learning facilities provide access to DL portions of CES courses – from Army Digital Training Services and eLearning Centers through ARNG DL Classrooms to students’ homes and office environments. Supervisors and managers must establish guidelines that allow DL courses of CES courses to be completed during duty days in accordance with 5 CFR 410 and Army Distributed Learning Policy, so as to enable leaders to balance duty-related responsibilities with personal development needs; doing so helps organizations retain qualified talent as they meet mission, goals and objectives successfully – creating the foundation of success careers!
Intermediate Course
The Intermediate Course provides MWR employees with an invaluable opportunity to hone leadership skills that can be implemented into daily jobs.
This four-week virtual course, tailored specifically to CF 51 (MWR) personnel in grades 13-15, gives them an opportunity to move up in their careers. Civilians completing the virtual Intermediate Course should enjoy increased career advancement opportunities as well as be competitive when seeking MWR-specific leadership roles, according to USAMMDA officials.
As part of its Intermediate Course offerings, an instructor-facilitated resident portion is also available for GS-13 through GS-15 Army civilians who have successfully completed a CES Foundation Course. Supervisory personnel are strongly encouraged to attend. Central funding from their organization allows attendees to attend this course.
Managers and supervisors should set guidelines that allow employees to complete CES DL courses during their regular duty hours. Training taken as self-development is conducted outside regular working hours and does not count towards their hourly wage rate.
CHRTAS can assist those who prefer not to take the CES resident portion of an Intermediate Course by offering equivalent or constructive credit through CHRTAS. Equivalency or substitution credit may be granted after conducting a critical task assessment of past comprehensive civilian or military leader development education and experience, including documentation submitted through supervisory channels of prior leader development experiences and education. To qualify, individuals must submit documentation of prior leader development experiences through supervisory channels and provide documentation. For more information regarding this process visit Civilian Education System CES Credit Instructions; those interested employees interested in the GS-13 through GS-15 Intermediate Course should apply early; only 47 out of 48 available slots remain.
Advanced Course
The Civilian Enlisted Services Training program aims to prepare Army civilians for leadership roles supporting soldier missions and mission-critical activities. The training builds upon and complements an established institutional training foundation in MWR career field (CF 51) featuring courses developed by MWR Academy. Most permanent Army civilians who meet eligibility requirements can attend these courses; exceptions may apply in regards to local national employees; military members; term/temporary employees as well as non-Department of the Army Civil Service employees or contractors.
This course comprises two phases, the Distance Learning phase and four-week Resident phase. DL instruction can be delivered asynchronously at various learning facilities like Army Distributed Learning Program facilities, digital training facilities, ARNG DL classrooms or students’ own offices and homes; while in Resident phase instruction takes place both on Fort Leavenworth, Kansas grounds as well as at other locations via mobile education team teams.
Participants of this course gain skills for leading complex organizations that support Army strategies and directions, managing resources efficiently and creating an organizational culture of innovation and self-awareness while inspiring creativity, motivating others and integrating Army systems. It is open to Army civilians from GS-13 through GS-15 civil service pay grades.
To qualify for this course, applicants must possess both an acceptable TAPES rating and valid NSPS/GS classification, in addition to three years’ service in supervisory or managerial capacities. Once eligible applicants meet eligibility requirements they may request to waive Foundation Course prerequisite through Equivalency Credit process; or use experience substitution towards fulfilling course completion requirements.
Supervisor Development Course
CES’ Supervisor Development Course for employees in grades GS-5 through GS-12 aims to equip civilian leaders with techniques for better managing people and processes. It includes lessons on personnel administration, performance evaluation and meeting management; it also addresses topics like leadership, conflict resolution, interpersonal problems resolution and work/life balance.
Army officials acknowledge that civilians who attend CES courses may not necessarily perform better at their job; however, when selecting between two candidates for positions and one has attended one or more CES courses it will set that candidate apart due to its knowledge base that will make them more efficient at doing their work.
Attendees of CES courses tend to gain a deeper knowledge of national security missions and complex policy issues than those who do not attend one, and this specialized training can make a substantial impactful difference on leadership effectiveness as well as mission completion.
Sometimes an employee may qualify for credit for a CES course by providing evidence of prior education and experience through other channels. For instance, former military members could get exemption from attending Foundation Course by providing an outline of their prior training experience.
Seek guidance from the Army Civilian Leader Development Policy when planning to attend a resident CES course. This document details Army training requirements as well as how to register and enroll for courses, with discussion of self-development activities as well as waivers available if desired.