What is Dark Web Monitoring?

What is Dark Web Monitoring

Your personal information could become the subject of data breaches, potentially being sold online to criminals for profit. This is especially likely if it contains other sensitive details.

Monitoring the dark web allows organizations to identify stolen data quickly and act immediately before it causes damage. By protecting IT systems, repairing vulnerabilities, and notifying affected parties immediately of these attacks, their effects can be lessened significantly.

What is Dark Web Monitoring?

The dark web is a hidden portion of the Internet where criminals and hackers gather to share and sell stolen data, using anonymity tools like The Onion Router to obscure sites from search engines while keeping law enforcement from monitoring activity there.

Data breaches occur frequently, with stolen credentials like usernames and passwords from these breaches often ending up on the dark web. Once there, they could be used to gain entry to company networks, leading to financial, reputational or operational damage for these organizations.

Employing a dark web monitoring solution is a smart way to combat data breaches and safeguard customer personal information. This solution searches the dark web for leaked or stolen credentials related to your company, alerting you when any are discovered.

Bolster dark web monitoring playbooks enable companies to customize a response when threats are identified, such as sending alerts to relevant team members such as HR or fraud teams or creating tickets with IT to immediately reset any compromised employee passwords. They can even integrate with SIEM and SOAR platforms for an overall picture of your security posture.

How Does Dark Web Monitoring Work?

Dark Web Monitoring involves looking for personally identifiable information (PII) posted online by cybercriminals for sale or rent, such as websites, peer-to-peer networks and chat rooms. Services use scrapers and crawlers to scan these areas for stolen data if you suspect your PII has been leaked and posted publicly online; should any findings occur they will notify you. Many services also provide identity theft monitoring – an additional service that monitors credit reports, public records and commercial databases for signs that your personal information has been compromised.

Though these services are effective, they do have their limitations. Because their data comes from public dumps, they can’t detect stolen information in private corners of the dark web where criminals buy and sell it. That’s why it is crucial to pair these tools with other threat intelligence solutions to bolster detection and speed up incident response – including checking for third-party breaches, hacking forums, brand impersonation/misuse, leaks (accidental or malicious), and other potential risks. Ideally this should all form part of an overall cybersecurity strategy where employees learn to identify suspicious activity as quickly as possible when threats appear – helping make up part of an overall cybersecurity strategy involving training employees on how to spot suspicious activity while responding quickly when threats appear – ideal situation

Why Use Dark Web Monitoring?

Dark Web monitoring is an indispensable practice for businesses of all sizes, as it helps prevent data breaches by immediately detecting stolen credentials and information belonging to an organization. Early threat detection enables businesses to take swift action to counter threats before they cause significant harm.

Dark web monitoring enables companies to remain compliant with various data protection regulations, such as GDPR in Europe and HIPAA in America. Compliance helps prevent fines or legal consequences incurred as a result of data breaches that might otherwise occur.

Individuals can take advantage of dark web monitoring services that alert them when their personal data has been leaked onto the dark web, helping protect them against identity theft which could result in fraudulent credit card purchases or other unwanted transactions. There are various identity protection services such as Norton LifeLock that provide dark web monitoring – starting at $10/month plans plus stolen funds insurance and expert case management are just two of many available solutions.

4 Features of Dark Web Monitoring

Dark Web Monitoring monitors the darknet, an underground marketplace where stolen credentials or personal data is sold and traded illegally, for your information and notifies you if any is found. It provides an effective means of detecting cyber attacks early and mitigating their damage.

Identity thieves use the dark web to purchase and sell personal data like your email address, social security number, credit card numbers and health insurance information – such as your email address, social security number, credit card numbers and health insurance information – that may then be used by them to open accounts, file fraudulent tax returns and insurance claims, steal your money or ruin your reputation. Dark web monitoring helps organizations prevent these cyberattacks by protecting against damage done during cyberattacks while safeguarding organizational reputations.

Dark web monitoring utilizes real time searches of the darknet in real time to collect intelligence from millions of sites — including those hidden and encrypted sections that search engines cannot reach – in addition to using machine learning for analysis and understanding your information more comprehensively. At Bolster, this service comes as part of our ID protection service with plans starting under $10/month per individual for monitoring as well as stolen funds insurance and expert case management.

1. Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence refers to the analysis of data derived from both open-source and commercial sources, such as IoCs (identifiers of known attack methods), malware samples, cyber security news feeds, dark web forums and sites, software that reverse engineers malware to understand how it operates so security engineers can defend against similar threats more efficiently.

Few people realize that personal information like their name, email address and social security number is leaked and sold on the dark web – the part of the internet not accessible via search engines such as Google and Bing – which could potentially be used to steal identities, take over credit accounts or commit crimes such as fraud and identity theft.

Dark web monitoring tools scour and search the dark web for stolen personal data, searching through forums and websites dedicated to trading this type of info. When stolen information matches with user info, monitoring tools download and analyze this data before notifying individuals so they can take appropriate measures to protect their own personal information.

2. Threat Hunting

Do you regularly hear of data breaches and cyberattacks, but did you know that stolen information from many of the companies with which you do business can also be sold on the dark web? From stolen credit card data from retail store Point-Of-Sale systems (POS), hospital medical records, to passwords and credentials from business email accounts being sold on this underground market by hackers.

With attacks becoming increasingly frequent, threat hunting has become an integral component of cybersecurity strategies. By monitoring dark web, you can search the deep web for leaked or stolen data that could be used against your organization.

Threat hunters utilize raw intelligence from both human and machine analysis to detect anomalies that could be malicious, then take actions to mitigate or prevent those threats. Hunting is often carried out collaboratively between threat hunters and security teams working together to quickly respond to incidents and reduce time taken for criminals to exploit data or other vulnerabilities.

3. Faster Incident Response

Dark web monitoring continuously searches billions of pages online in an attempt to find stolen user data, passwords and other sensitive personal data that is being traded illegally on the dark web. The service monitors chat rooms, forums and private networks where criminals frequent in order to acquire customer lists, login passwords for staff logins, domain email domains or IP addresses that they need for their criminal activities.

When a breach occurs, this service immediately alerts both the company and employees with details regarding it so they can respond swiftly and minimize damages. Furthermore, employee data breaches are reported immediately to allow organizations to enforce better security measures to thwart future attacks.

Bolster offers an intuitive dashboard that compiles all threats and hacker activity into a single view with detailed threat intelligence, while also enabling organizations to set playbooks for immediate actions to take when their data appears on the dark web.

4. Integration into Security Platforms

Steps can be taken to ensure online security. These may include using a password organizer, changing passwords regularly and using multi-factor authentication. Such measures will not only ensure online safety but will also protect personal documents from falling into the wrong hands in real life.

No matter the methods you employ to secure your data, it’s vital that you remain up-to-date on cyberattack techniques. Integrating dark web monitoring service into existing security platforms will allow for timely detection and response to potential threats.

Not only can dark web monitoring services alert you when compromised credentials or personal data surface in dark web forums and marketplaces, they may also offer suggestions as to what steps should be taken next – changing passwords, adding additional security measures or reporting the breach directly to authorities based on your service tier. In addition, the best dark web monitoring services should offer an intuitive dashboard where all collected intelligence can be easily integrated into other systems or incident response workflows.

Protect Your Data From Identity Theft and Fraud

Dark Web Monitoring notifies users when their data has been compromised and sold on criminal underground marketplaces – such as passwords, credit cards, medical records or any other credentials that they hold.

Our service scours the darknet in real-time, searching millions of websites for raw intelligence. If a threat is detected, a personalized alert will notify both individuals affected as well as relevant departments (marketing, legal and human resources).

Benefits of Dark Web Monitoring

Dark Web Monitoring tools allow cybercriminals to scour the dark web for stolen credentials and personal information that is being sold or utilized by cybercriminals, while simultaneously monitoring for potential phishing attacks, domain spoofing attacks, brand impersonation activities and vulnerabilities that may exist therein.

Monitoring of the dark web can help protect against data breaches and other forms of cybercrime before they take place. By quickly notifying law enforcement of username or password exposures, criminals will have less time to take advantage of compromised accounts.

Dark web monitoring services provide organizations with an effective means of protecting employees, customers and assets from cyber security risks. An organization’s risk profile can easily be assessed with this service integrated with other security platforms to provide a holistic overview.

Prevent Corporate Information from breach on Dark

Effective data breach prevention requires making all employees aware of cyber threats, practicing good cybersecurity habits and adhering to your security policies and training as necessary. This includes using strong passwords, two-factor authentication and reviewing credit reports regularly. In addition, keep current on business security policies and update staff as necessary.

Dark web monitoring services can assist your organization in protecting itself against breaches by identifying leaked credentials before any data breach takes place, shortening response time and decreasing costs for damage repair.

IdentityForce is an excellent option for ID protection that monitors the dark web for stolen information and notifies you when any is discovered. They offer a free trial period and superior customer service. Another excellent choice is Norton LifeLock which features dark web scanning, identity theft alerts and three bureau credit monitoring for peace of mind.

When can the Dark Web be dangerous?

The Dark Web is a small sliver of the World Wide Web that contains encrypted websites. Visitors must use a special browser (Tor) in order to obscure their IP addresses from being traced by search engines, thus protecting themselves from being tracked by them. While often used by whistleblowers and people living in countries with restricted Internet access, the Dark Web can also pose serious threats for consumers who fall prey to identity theft and fraud.

Stolen passwords and account credentials are available on the Dark Web for sale to cybercriminals who use these stolen credentials to break into accounts and obtain sensitive data. As more criminals acquire your personal data, it becomes easier for them to commit crimes against your company or personal finances; monitoring can help detect these threats early.

Tools to Protect You from Threats on the Dark web

Although data cannot be completely removed from the Dark web, tools exist that can help safeguard it against being sold or utilized by criminals. A password manager like Keeper can alert you if any personal information appears online and help reset passwords to make it harder for hackers to steal your data.

Aura is another tool designed to monitor the Dark Web and notify you if any of your sensitive personal information (PII), such as Social Security numbers and birth dates, credit card numbers or property titles are exposed through data breaches.

Track compromised VIP accounts and detect phishing threat detection with real-time monitoring, since breaches occur regularly and sooner passwords are identified the less time attackers have to exploit them.


Cyberattacks, data breaches and hacking attempts often result in the exposure of personal information on the dark web – including credit/debit card numbers, social security numbers, medical records credentials passwords. Criminals could use this information for identity theft or to cause irreparable harm to an organization.

The Dark Web cannot be searched using search engines and can only be accessed with specific browsers. It has often been likened to an iceberg, with surface web being at its tip while darkness lurks below water. While international authorities continue to target illicit websites, new ones keep emerging every day – thus prompting individuals and organizations to monitor continuously to identify any threats that arise fast and take steps necessary for mitigating risks quickly in order to mitigate financial losses and stay secure.

Sam is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.