Trend Micro XDR: Platform, Service, and Process

Trend Micro XDR

Trend Micro XDR delivers cutting-edge capabilities such as cross-layer hybrid environment support and advanced threat defense. According to ESG research, early adopters report significant business value from using Trend Micro XDR including improved security effectiveness, operational efficiencies and cost reductions.

IT and security teams often feel overwhelmed by up to 22,000 events per second entering their Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution. XDR correlates these events and sends out prioritized alerts based on event timing.

What is Trend Micro XDR?

XDR is an advanced security solution designed to guard systems against advanced threats. It goes beyond EDR by offering more detailed information on threats and attacks. Furthermore, its integration into existing tools and processes enables enterprises to respond swiftly and effectively when encountering new threats.

Trend Micro Vision One platform supports the XDR tool by offering various services including data collection, threat intelligence, alert correlation and security orchestration. There are dedicated services for endpoints, networks, servers and cloud workloads; users can track events in context for analysis purposes.

XDR employs an innovative scanning architecture that offloads storage of malware prevention patterns and lists to Trend Micro Smart Protection Network, relieving endpoints from storage-intensive tasks while mitigating system performance impacts. Furthermore, using cloud reputation technology enhances detection accuracy – this makes detection much faster! Furthermore, using XDR reduces updates of virus/malware definitions on endpoints more efficiently making this process more cost-efficient overall.

Trend Micro Vision One Platform

Trend Micro Vision One Platform links together security layers–email, endpoints, servers, cloud workloads and networks–to provide advanced extended detection and response capabilities powered by cross-layer data as well as leading threat research and intelligence.

Discover and prioritize attacks using an integrated view of all alerts, attack behavior patterns and asset metadata. XDR Workbench also facilitates investigation, root cause analysis and response from one convenient console; its rich context, which includes threat research and detection models helps stop threats before they have an effect on your organization.

Enhance your threat hunting efforts with search capabilities designed to detect techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) and indicators of compromise (IOCs). With Trend Micro Vision One platform and Companion AI tool you can enhance the effectiveness of your analyst team while increasing accessibility and efficiency while speeding up threat hunting speeds for analysts with various skill levels.

Start a free trial of Vision One today to witness its power to stop adversaries faster! Explore its prevention, detection and response features with ease on an interactive tour that gives you control over how fast it progresses.

Managed XDR for Endpoints

By combining EDR’s threat detection & response capabilities with SOAR’s security orchestration and automation capabilities backed by world-class managed services, the next generation of autonomous breach protection is right at your fingertips. No more investing in multiple point products; reduce false alerts; boost analyst productivity & reduce time spent searching, correlating & investigating incidents!

Advanced threats frequently bypass firewalls and antivirus by hiding behind layers-specific point solutions or by taking advantage of dynamic cloud settings. XDR breaks down these siloes to give overextended MSPs, CISOs, CIOs and IT teams visibility into security breaches faster and respond more effectively.

Instead of simply alerting on an anomalous login attempt, XDR could actively block this type of attack by learning from employee behavior. For instance, when an employee logs in from home to access their office network from home, their typical routine establishes a pattern of normal behavior which educates XDR on what a “normal” login looks like.

Managed XDR for Cloud Workloads

Trend Micro Vision One detection data combined with threat intelligence from XDR is used to provide visibility and context into advanced threats that target cloud workloads, providing teams with visibility and context into advanced threats to analyze, prioritize, hunt and respond more quickly in order to reduce security breaches and data loss risks.

By harnessing powerful analytics, XDR eliminates alert fatigue by only surfacing high priority threats. This enables analysts and threat hunters to focus their time and attention on tackling those most dangerous and damaging, rather than writing, tuning, and managing detection rules.

XDR automates investigation and response activities using SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response) incident response playbooks for dramatic SOC efficiency gains. With its focus on threat context and telemetry–from hosts affected to timelines and root cause information–XDR helps guide an investigation process which leads to remediation, resolution and recovery processes.

XDR assists your talented team members in performing at their best by taking on some of the more complex elements of threat detection and response. Furthermore, it can synchronize detection across different environments – data from Deep Security or other Trend Micro solutions could be sent directly to XDR for analysis, then automatically activated within cloud environments.

Managed XDR for Networks

With lone wolves, hacking groups, and nation states launching ransomware attacks such as ransomware, APTs, phishing campaigns, DDoS attacks and more against enterprises, security teams need an improved way of protecting critical assets – however this task often becomes overwhelming when combined with high levels of stress for them to manage alerts that become false positives and lack of integration between tools.

XDR solutions can assist with this challenge by eliminating alert fatigue, automating analysis of stealthy threats and streamlining incident response. They do this by consolidating multiple vendor detections from computers, servers, firewalls and endpoints into a single console for analysts to view all threats in context and prioritize risk appropriately.

XDR solutions that offer analysts easy access to advanced threat intelligence and powerful correlation content help automate analysis and investigation, saving security teams the trouble of continually writing, tuning, and managing detection rules; when responding to detected threats XDR solutions allow analysts to block access from endpoints or networks without writing scripts.

Managed XDR for Messaging

Contrary to most point products that focus on one layer or attack surface and require additional solutions or console switches for context, Trend Micro’s XDR integrates detection across its comprehensive portfolio of protection, enabling security professionals to detect and respond swiftly to advanced threats on both protected and unprotected devices – significantly decreasing risk and costs associated with breaches.

Trend Micro’s Unified XDR interface consolidates threat detections across its cloud and on-premises solutions into an intuitive console for easy use, automatically alerting SIEM solutions via Vision One XDR Investigation Workbench for faster responses by analysts and improved reliability.

Managed XDR provides any organization of any size with access to a dedicated team of cybersecurity experts that monitors and investigates telemetry from security systems environment-wide 24×7. This enables even smaller organisations to achieve mature, proficient cybersecurity posture at a fraction of the cost; with automation capabilities for endpoint, network, user attack prevention & detection as well as world-class managed discovery and response services backed by global managed discovery & response capabilities.

Event Monitoring and Alerting

Event monitoring allows you to track changes to your systems, unusual events and deviations from baselines. When your system detects something of significance it will send out an alert notification (sometimes via email or other methods of communication ) before being recorded in an issue tracking system, also known as ticketing system.

XDR allows you to see and investigate all aspects of an attack path across your environment – emails, endpoints, servers, cloud workloads and networks. It automatically analyzes threats with its playbook response mechanism in order to protect data loss.

XDR stands apart from traditional MDR solutions by being an all-in-one platform that unifies cross-domain protection with threat detection and response in one central platform. By eliminating separate tools for each environment, your total cost of ownership can be decreased substantially. Powered by Trend Micro Vision One platform delivering robust attack surface risk management as well as next generation XDR enhanced by powerful generative AI technology; additional benefits include cross-layer support as well as comprehensive SOAR solution to provide faster incident response times.

Beyond XDR

Security teams using XDR gain greater insight into their security environment, thanks to its ability to converge alerts and data from different layers of technology to generate clear attack timelines and paths, helping teams assess threats more thoroughly while taking swifter actions against threats.

With an open XDR platform, you can ingest and normalize large volumes of data from endpoints, cloud workloads, identity services, email accounts, networks and virtual containers – making it possible to identify stealthy or unknown threats with advanced detection technologies like AI/ML.

XDR can also reduce false positives by prioritizing critical events based on threat severity and automating root cause analysis for greater understanding in your environment. By prioritizing critical events based on severity, root cause analysis, and automating root cause detection capabilities XDR helps lower mean time to detect and respond (MTTD/MTTR), reduce impactful attacks that do make their way in, close gaps between IT/security teams while creating cost efficiencies through AI security solutions.

Reduce Mean-Time-To-Detect (MTTD) & Mean-Time-To-Respond (MTTR)

Trend Micro’s Vision One platform features Trend Micro XDR for extended detection and response capabilities. This helps reduce mean-time-to-detect (MTTD) and mean-time-to-respond (MTTR), by augmenting security analysts and decreasing alerts they need to investigate.

XDR utilizes data sourced from various sources, including Trend Micro’s Smart Protection Network, to generate less, yet more relevant and prioritised alerts. Furthermore, it offers threat intelligence, forensics analysis and expert guidance for expeditious incident response.

How Does Trend Micro Managed XDR Work?

With limited resources at their disposal, cybersecurity teams often find it challenging to successfully implement and manage XDR solutions. Managed XDR offers businesses a dedicated team of security experts that assist them with closing skills gaps and creating an established security program, in addition to 24×7 monitoring and mitigation of threats.

Trend XDR leverages data from multiple sources to automatically collect, prioritize and correlate alerts on endpoints, servers, networks and cloud workloads for businesses. Furthermore, Trend XDR employs global threat intelligence from 16 research centers with hundreds of researchers as well as the world’s premier bug bounty program in order to discover deeper breach activity, uncover new methods used by attackers as well as reduce incident response time.

Vision One integrates with third-party ecosystem integrations such as SIEM and IR/WAF to maximize visibility while streamlining workflow automation and orchestration. Alerts generated from these tools are fed directly into Vision One for correlation purposes, providing context and prioritization.

1. Detection

Stealthy threats evade detection by hiding between security silos and disconnected solution alerts, forcing teams to struggle with triaging and investigating incidents quickly enough, which often results in slow or incomplete responses from teams. XDR collects and automatically correlates detailed activity data across multiple layers to quickly identify threats more effectively and detect threats faster.

Managed XDR integrates Trend Micro Detection with Vision One platform to deliver comprehensive detection and response capabilities across endpoints, servers, cloud workloads, networks, messaging services and messaging servers. It follows an exclusive cycle that encompasses detection, forensic investigation, event response management reporting as well as service review.

Trend Micro Apex One supports detection and investigation with its wide range of next-generation threat techniques, which includes pre-execution and runtime machine learning, noise-canceling techniques, innovative behavior analysis. Together these technologies help reduce alert volumes while prioritizing them based on confidence levels.

2. Investigation

At its peak, an average enterprise can see up to 22,000 events per second enter their security information and event management (SIEM) system – creating a lot of noise that IT and security analysts struggle to correlate and prioritize for action. With XDR’s automatic event-tieing technology, multiple lower-confidence activities are tied together into higher-confidence events; providing analysts with fewer alerts that are more prioritized so they can take faster actions.

XDR utilizes advanced AI and expert analytics to automatically correlate detection data from multiple Trend technologies with global threat intelligence, producing fewer but more reliable alerts that enable analysts to better recognize threats in order to decrease mean-time-to-detect and mean-time-to-resolve times (MTTRs).

Trend Micro One includes XDR as part of its comprehensive cybersecurity platform to offer powerful features to assist security teams with investigating, prioritizing and responding more swiftly to threats – such as providing visibility across threats; robust attack surface risk management; accelerated incident response through cross-layer detection and response (XDR).

3. Response

Protection against threats and indicators of compromise (IoCs) by quickly responding with appropriate and efficient responses that contain attacks while decreasing threat propagation, with step-by-step response plans, remediation tools, and incident case management capabilities.

Attackers have an extremely wide window to exploit vulnerabilities and cause damage, which is why enterprises keep an eye on mean time-to-detect and mean time-to-respond as key security metrics. Enterprises use XDR as a prevention-first strategy that equips security teams with visibility into and capability across the threat landscape in order to thwart threats quickly and efficiently.

Trend Micro Managed XDR provides endpoint detection and response (EDR), network security and server security into one unified threat protection solution on the market. It features a centralized SIEM connector to deliver alerts as well as 24/7 alert monitoring, correlation prioritization, threat hunting investigation and remediation plans – eliminating customers’ need to purchase multiple point solutions while improving reliability by correlating all alerts from internal and third-party sources using advanced AI/machine learning analytics with correlation detection models for improved alert overload reduction.

4. Reports

XDR Service automatically gathers and correlates threat data across various security layers, consolidating alerts from email, endpoints, servers, cloud workloads, networks into one consolidated attack view – eliminating security information silos and disconnected solution alerts while speeding investigation and response time.

Security analysts often become overwhelmed with too many alerts, making prioritizing information harder for them. With advanced analytics, machine learning, and predictive analytics at play in its design, the XDR tool can also connect the dots in attacks which had previously gone undetected.

The Trend Micro XDR service also provides monthly reports that outline case activity. MSPs may opt-in to having the Trend Micro team manage mitigation actions on their behalf with MSP approval, providing full root-cause analysis and threat scorecard of each incident. Furthermore, once every quarter XDR conducts a formal service review meeting to discuss performance issues as well as major incidents or faults; all of this at no extra charge to MSPs.

5. Service Reviews

This solution provides multilayered protection across the cloud network fabric to detect, prevent and disrupt threat disruption. It features endpoint, email and software as a service (SaaS) protection as well as 5G networks, virtual patching capabilities and operational technology (OT). In addition, there are extensive integrations and automated workflows. In addition to having excellent ratings on industry standard antivirus comparison websites it also provides free trials versions.

XDR can aggregate alerts from across your attack surface to significantly shorten both time to detect and time to respond, automatically making sense of context, prioritizing risk and providing prescriptive recommendations as to the optimal responses to take.

At your enterprise level, this solution offers a single unifying dashboard and integrated workflows to manage threats effectively across your enterprise – such as root cause analysis and impact evaluation, multiple IOC searches and more. Performance compromise is minimal but full scans do take longer compared to competing products; additionally it features a SIEM connector for alert delivery which simplifies security analyst tasks and facilitates more effective investigations.

Sam is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.