A Career in Cyber Mil Requires Changing the Paradigm

A Career in Cyber Mil Requires Changing the Paradigm

Acquiring cyberspace dominance requires adopting a different mindset. A Career in Cyber Mil Requires Changing the Paradigm – Shifting paradigm means unifying various cybersecurity efforts, reporting cyberspace posture at commander level, implementing role-based COPs and creating zero trust architectures.

USCYBERCOM provides global CO services while each CCMD manages local CO for its area of responsibility (AOR). Each service also oversees portions of DODIN that fall under their geographic or functional purview.

Defensive View of Your Systems and Organization

Similar to how real-life cops investigate suspicious individuals or situations, cybersecurity professionals should carefully observe human and automated behaviors. If an authorized user suddenly gains access to data they shouldn’t or an automated process sends mass amounts of encrypted data out, tools should exist that detect these instances and act appropriately – these defensive steps may involve numerous loops that require thoughtful coordination from all involved.

IA/RMF Certification Support

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is the primary means by which federal information systems are protected. It replaced the old Certification and Accreditation (C&A) process and is mandatory for agencies or organizations managing federal data or networks. Designed as an ongoing process rather than simply an annual evaluation, RMF draws upon publications by NIST and the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS).

As part of the RMF, there are a series of steps that need to be completed prior to receiving an Authority to Operate (ATO) for any system. These include identifying its Impact Level and Controls/Overlays as well as an ATO Assessment. It’s vitally important that all these steps are documented so as to maintain progress through the RMF; for instance if your system contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII), conducting a Privacy Impact Analysis followed by selecting a Privacy Overlay is part of this step 2.

RMF also features key changes that go beyond its annual C&A cycle, with continuous assessment and authorization now providing systems with ATOs valid throughout their lives. To maintain one, monitoring must occur regularly with an accompanying monitoring plan completed as a prerequisite.

RMF provides a new model for evaluating security controls, which distinguishes itself by replacing the CNSS base set of security controls with an improved formula for assigning combinations of controls to systems and by altering system categorization – this time replacing Mission Assurance Category levels I-III with Impact Levels of Low, Moderate and High to meet Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability objectives.

Any agency required to undergo the Risk Management Framework must ensure all personnel understand and participate in its implementation, with one key certification being Certified Authorization Professional (CAP), previously GIAC GSE/GISF certification by (ISC2). CAP provides proof of knowledge for RMF processes.

Threat Assessments

As technology develops, cyber threat actors adapt their activities to take advantage of it. New technologies become targets and tools used by these attackers to achieve financial, geopolitical or ideological goals. Cloud services offer new ways for threat actors to attack organizations; they can compromise sensitive data while manipulating systems or disrupting operations altogether. Likewise, machine learning and quantum computing capabilities offer new methods of detection and mitigation against threats.

State-sponsored cyberthreat activity from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea poses a significant threat to Canada. These actors may target critical infrastructure sectors in Canada to cause service interruptions and steal intellectual property; as well as targeting diaspora populations, activists, journalists and diaspora communities for monitoring purposes in order to sow discord and divide society further.

Cyber threat actors pose another security risk to organizations by exploiting software and hardware supporting organizational systems. One effective way of mitigating their risk is ensuring your organization stays up-to-date on patches and updates; being aware of the impact these updates can have is key for your cybersecurity program.

The National Cyber Threat Assessment 2023-2024 offers invaluable insights into current cyber threat activity trends. Drawing upon CSE’s classified intelligence and Cyber Centre’s work defending Canada against malicious cyber activity day after day, this report paints an accurate portrait of what Canadians should worry about online.

As part of your strategy to counter cyber threats, gaining an in-depth knowledge of your systems’ risks and how attackers gain entry is key. Our experts offer threat assessments and assistance in creating an actionable plan to combat those risks. For your business, logistics or weapon systems assessment we use Cyber Table Top (CTT), an innovative wargame-like exercise which generates actionable intelligence supporting acquisition programs – our experts use CTT as part of their acquisition program assessment method and help bridge IT and functional mission viewpoints by helping better allocate engineering testing resources.


Cyber mil offers military careers that combine cutting-edge and rewarding experiences, with opportunities available for enlisted, warrant, and commissioned members in its workforce. In addition, it offers specialized training to equip its personnel with all of the tools necessary to defend the nation from hackers and other harmful forces.

Defense Information Technology Agency manages the DOD Cyber Academy, an online series of virtual self-paced courses and skillset-specific modules designed to teach service members to operate the latest cybersecurity tools. In addition, this academy certifies them for positions such as digital media collector or digital forensic examiner in DOD roles – which is one of the only DOD certifications that validate real world expertise.

To earn a cyber certificate, candidates must pass one or more of the GIAC (Global Information Assurance Certification) security courses listed here. These rigorous exams cover both theoretical and practical applications of cybersecurity – including how to recognize threats and proactively respond to them. DOD and private sector employers commonly recognize GIAC certifications as proof that an individual can work in a particular role.

The Department of Defense requires its authorized users to complete an annual Cyber Awareness Challenge to stay abreast of cyber threats and best practices to safeguard classified, controlled unclassified and personally identifiable data on DoD systems. This interactive presentation acknowledges social networking’s benefits while reminding personnel about risks associated with personal use of such services on DoD-controlled information systems; further reinforcing both organization- and individual-level responsibilities regarding safeguarding PII.

GAO reported recently revealed that all three services have difficulty tracking cyber personnel across their service. Traditional troop tracking systems used by each service frequently collided with Cyber Command’s work roles definitions, while Army and Marine Corps did not establish clear active-duty service obligations for troops who completed ION training – potentially leaving these troops out on duty too briefly to provide the military with return on its investment in their training.

Sam is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.