What is Ransomware Recovery?

What is Ransomware Recovery

Effective ransomware recovery requires a detailed incident response and disaster recovery (DR) plan that evaluates how hackers gained entry, identifies infected systems and disconnects them in order to stop further spreading of malware.

Backup best practices involve creating 3-2-1 backups and using air-gapped storage to safeguard against attacks on data. In an ideal world, it would be preferable to utilize immutable options that cannot be altered.

What is ransomware recovery?

Ransomware recovery refers to the process of recovering data and applications that were compromised during ransomware attacks, which is an essential element of business continuity and disaster recovery (DR) plans as well as an important strategy for organizations looking to minimize the effects of an attack on their operations.

An effective ransomware recovery strategy must include more than simply checking that backups are working; it should include:

A Disaster Recovery solution provides the resources for swift and seamless recoveries. Additionally, it can assist with identifying effective methods for decrypting ransomware-infected data and systems and restoring them, including operating system tools or third-party software packages. However, decryptors may not always work due to persistent malware groups constantly producing new variants.

Organizations looking to fully protect against ransomware attacks should implement continuous data protection (CDP) into their disaster recovery (DR) strategies. A CDP solution provides organizations with immutable backups of workloads and infrastructure – the ultimate ransomware recovery option available.

Why is ransomware recovery important?

Ransomware attacks can be catastrophic to an organization. On average, recovery times for ransomware attacks take 23 days, which leads to lost revenue, reduced customer loyalty and damage to brand image. Furthermore, it is costly and disruptive to bring in outside help – such as PR teams, legal advisers, HR consultants and IT technicians to support recovery efforts – from PR and legal to HR specialists and marketing teams requiring extensive support as well as IT specialists needed for recovery efforts.

Ransomware Recovery Requires a Comprehensive Incident Response and Disaster Recovery Plan

Backups are key for ransomware recovery, but only if they are clean and validated. Organizations who follow the 3-2-1 backup rule (three copies on two media types and one offsite or offline copy) are better equipped to withstand attacks against ransomware.

Expert data recovery services have the capabilities of reverse engineering malware attacks in order to remove it and recover files and devices that are free from potential infections, while also offering cyber threat investigation and analysis services that can prevent future attacks. When choosing a service, look for one with a money-back guarantee in case they cannot retrieve your desired data; additionally consider one that offers recovery of applications in addition to infrastructure as ransomware can affect multiple dependencies simultaneously during an attack.

Effective ransomware recovery software

Once ransomware enters a system, it scans network shares and accessible computers until it runs out of files to encrypt or meets security barriers. At that point, an attacker displays a ransom note demanding payment in exchange for decryption keys – though there’s no guarantee they’ll work properly or that paying will help restore systems or data.

Implement a business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) plan with effective ransomware recovery capabilities as the best way to safeguard against ransomware attacks. Many cyber insurance providers now require organizations with adequate recovery capabilities in place in order to qualify for coverage.

An approach that features immutable snapshots, write once/read many (WORM) technology, modern data isolation techniques, and machine-learning to detect anomalies can protect backups from ransomware attacks while making recovery and deployment of systems simpler following an attack. Rubrik provides such features within its endpoint cloud backup solution – such as advanced ransomware recovery options like Object Lock for creating airgapped backups inaccessible from malware-infected computers or file shares.

1. Avoid data loss and downtime

Implementing a reliable disaster recovery (DR) solution is key to recovering data files after ransomware attacks, so investing in one is key to protecting data files from being corrupted by ransomware. When selecting your DR solution, look for one which supports image-based, application-aware backup and replication as well as features such as environment cloning to make recovering infrastructure components simpler.

Continuous data protection (CDP) offers another layer of defense by automatically saving multiple versions of each file without overwriting them, providing an extra level of defense against ransomware attacks by restoring previous versions. Software such as Unitrends’ Automatic Save Incremental Backup technology helps mitigate ransomware attacks by keeping previous file versions.

An effective DR strategy includes reviewing and monitoring logs to detect early ransomware symptoms and indicators, such as unusual CPU activity or reduced network bandwidth, or failure to open or download files. A superior DR solution should incorporate security capabilities like SIEM that help identify vulnerabilities exploited by attackers in order to gain entry.

2. Prevent financial disaster

Ransomware attacks annually cause billions in financial damage. Victims include individuals, small businesses, hospitals and large organizations operating critical stretches of energy infrastructure and food supply chains. Ransomware attackers demand payment in virtual currencies like Bitcoin to restore access to encrypted files; the FBI does not advise paying these ransoms as this may not guarantee restore of files.

Organizations seeking to protect themselves against ransomware attacks should implement best practices and employ comprehensive data protection solutions. Prevention best practices include user training to reduce infection risks, MFA implementation, hardening systems and protecting backups.

Once ransomware enters an organization, it begins encrypting files. Effective ransomware recovery requires having a comprehensive business continuity plan in place, including immutable backups of data and configuration snapshots as well as regular tests of these backups to detect ransomware variants that try to gain access and corrupt these offline backups, rendering them ineffective.

3. Achieve regulatory compliance

Compliance with specific regulations is of course critical; but organizations also need to implement a robust cybersecurity framework to guard against ransomware attacks and other potential threats.

An effective cyber resilience program should include a business continuity plan designed to restore systems and services quickly while mitigating impact to operations. For instance, such a plan should address ransomware attacks on an entity. This plan must identify steps the entity should take in order to restore services quickly while mitigating operational disruptions.

Plan must also incorporate a disaster recovery strategy, to protect critical data. This means maintaining offline backups of important files and testing them regularly, in addition to encrypting them to prevent access by attackers.

Finally, your plan must include a procedure for notifying regulatory authorities of ransomware attacks. This step is important as an attack can result in fines or other penalties from privacy regulators as well as harm an organization’s reputation through accessing sensitive data without permission.

4. Maintain competitive advantage

Ransomware has evolved into a commodity, with cybercriminals offering services at lower costs in order to compete on price. Organizations who have an effective recovery plan in place can help lessen its financial impact and restore data quickly; your backup recovery process should form part of your incident response plan (IRP), but should also be tested through drills or tabletop exercises so your team understands and can execute on it effectively.

At its core, continuous data protection (CDP) remains the best solution to avoid ransomware attacks. CDP provides low RTO and rapid return-to-operation times – an ideal combination for protecting both mission-critical applications as well as less essential ones. Hewlett-Packard Enterprise offers solutions such as Zerto that offer effective CDP with quick ROIs.

As part of any effective security plan, training programs must also be implemented effectively. Because most ransomware attacks involve human negligence, ongoing staff training can reduce this risk significantly. Finally, conducting after-action reports after each breach and ransomware attack is also key in order to refine and strengthen security strategies while preventing future incidents.

How to recover from a ransomware attack?

An effective ransomware recovery strategy is critical to avoid the time-consuming and costly process of restoring systems from backup. This involves identifying which type of ransomware infected your network in order to determine the most efficient course of action: decrypting files, restoring from clean backup, paying the ransom fee or paying an incident response (IR) team should evaluate which approach will maximize business value while minimizing disruptions.

Implement strong cybersecurity measures and an efficient backup process in order to lower the risk of attacks, including file and database backups, image-based backups of virtual machines (VMs) and physical machines, image backups of all their software, components, dependencies, configurations and monitoring/security tools.

Additionally, you should maintain air-gapped backups that are isolated from local and open networks to prevent ransomware attackers from accessing and altering them during attacks. Immutable backup options like Object Lock enable you to keep backups that are fixed, unchangeable, and cannot be compromised by malware infections.

Ransomware Recovery refers to the process of recovering data backups and infrastructure compromised by ransomware attacks, making it an integral component of an organization’s response strategy to an attack.

Effective ransomware recovery requires a disaster recovery (DR) solution that supports continuous data protection (CDP), cyber forensics, and environment cloning – along with an action plan that prioritizes applications and infrastructure in order to minimize downtime and business interruptions.

What is a ransomware recovery plan?

An effective ransomware recovery plan enables organizations to quickly regain access to data encrypted for financial gain by cyberattackers, within an acceptable timeline and budget. An efficient recovery strategy requires clean backup copies that can easily be restored back to an earlier time point before an attack occurred.

Implementing an effective recovery plan will enable companies to avoid downtime, business disruption and the financial repercussions caused by ransom demands of attackers. An effective recovery solution might include continuous data protection (CDP) with tiered storage as part of its solution.

CDP solutions ensure your backups remain uncontaminated, so they can be restored with minimal downtime and data loss. This is essential as hackers have become adept at using deceptive tactics to insert malware into backups.

How long does it take to recover from ransomware?

Recovery time from ransomware attacks depends on how well prepared and what measures have been put in place prior to an attack. Without strong cybersecurity defense and effective incident response plans in place, recovery will take much longer.

Prioritize preemptive data security measures like backups and disconnecting vulnerable devices from the network in order to mitigate ransomware attacks and speed recovery time. Taking such preventative steps will not only lessen their impact, but may even shorten recovery processes.

Organizations seeking to reduce downtime during a ransomware attack should implement a disaster recovery solution with continuous data protection (CDP) capabilities that supports multiple platforms and allows them to restore business-critical files quickly, as well as ensure their backups are working. This solution would allow organizations to rapidly restore critical business files quickly while verifying whether their backups are functioning.

How much is ransomware recovery per day?

Organizations developing ransomware recovery plans must carefully consider all costs related to an attack, including network costs, ransom paid and lost opportunities as well as personnel hours lost due to lost opportunities and lost productivity. Furthermore, hidden costs such as time required to restore backups or disrupt business operations should also be considered when creating their recovery plans.

Understanding these factors is paramount for protecting your organization from ransomware attacks and their devastating costs. One way is implementing a disaster recovery (DR) plan with automated testing and verification, helping reduce recovery times while providing peace of mind that your data will remain safe should an attack take place. Another solution can detect and block ransomware attacks as they happen.

How often ransomware recovery is required?

As organizations refine their preventive measures, they should also implement robust recovery solutions. Backup and disaster recovery solutions help organizations recover from ransomware attacks by offering immutable data backups and configuration snapshots that provide instantaneous protection.

Backups provide an alternative way of recovering encrypted files without incurring ransom payments, but it’s essential to test these backups regularly to make sure they haven’t been corrupted by ransomware.

Recognizing and deleting trigger files are a key aspect of recovery, enabling organizations to identify and restore only the files which require repair.

An additional way to speed up the recovery process is isolating and disconnecting devices as soon as possible from the network, which will limit its spread and limit damage caused by an attack.


Organizations can protect themselves from ransomware attacks by employing the 3-2-1 backup rule and regularly backing up data using different media types – one offsite (cloud storage or tape backup).

The 3-2-1 rule also stipulates the deployment of immutable backup storage to protect against ransomware attacks. This type of storage encrypts and makes all data read-only for a given amount of time before becoming read-only again.

One preventive measure involves identifying critical data based on operational, business and industrial requirements; customer and supply chain relationships; privacy laws and industry regulations; as well as customer/supplier relationships and privacy laws/regulations. This can help organizations secure competitive premiums from their insurance providers for cyber risk coverage as well as pinpoint areas that require further safeguards such as zero-trust access controls with multifactor authentication to maintain data hygiene practices.

Sam is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.